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Migration Guide


Event handlers no longer receive an entity and primitive directly

Until now, you could receive the picked entities and primitives directly in the event handler of the component.

<Viewer onClick={(e, target) => {
if (target instanceof Entity) {
// target is a entity!
}} />

This behavior has been changed so that the value returned by scene.pick method is passed directly to the event handler:

<Viewer onClick={(e, target) => {
if (target?.id instanceof Entity) {
// is an Entity!
} else if (target?.primitive instanceof Primitive) {
// is a Primitive!
} else if (target instanceof Cesium3DTileFeature) {
// target is a Cesium3DTileFeature!
}} />

This change will apply to all components that have event properties.

EntityStaticDescription component is deprecated

EntityStaticDescription component has been remvoed from Resium, because it did not mesh well with the build tools.

Use EntityDescription component or description prop of Entity component instead:

<Entity description="<p>hello</p>">


Changes related to TypeScript type definitions are main, but some component properties are changed also.

Official type definition is supported!

Now Cesium's official TypeScript type definitions since Cesium v1.70 is used, so @types/cesium is no longer used. You can uninstall it.

Some component properties are fixed

Some components' properties are mistakenly typed and they are fixed, but that includes some breaking changes. Some properties are changed Cesium prop type: e.g. Cesium props -> Cesium read-only props.

useCesium hook is no longer needed a type argument

You can still add a type argument, but you can also omit it.

import { Viewer } from "cesium";
import { useCesium } from "resium";

// before
const { viewer } = useCesium<{ viewer?: Viewer }>();

// after
const { viewer } = useCesium();


Resium are fully reimplemented with React Hooks. There are possibilities that the behavior has changed in edge cases.

And some properties and types are changed, removed, or renamed. For details, please check changelog.


Resium are fully reimplemented

New component lifecycle and new React Context API in React v16.3 are supported.

There are possibilities that the behavior has changed in edge cases.

Changed: Entity description

Children of Entity component are no longer rendered as description. Use EntityDescription component instead.


import { Viewer, Entity } from "resium";

const Component = () => (
<h1>Hello, world</h1>
<p>This is test</p>


import { Viewer, Entity, EntityDescription } from "resium";

const Component = () => (
<h1>Hello, world</h1>
<p>This is test</p>

Now only EntityDescription depends on react-dom.

Decrepated: PropType

PropType is no longer used. TypeScript is recommended.

Renamed / Decrepated: properties


url or czml prop of Kml/Czml/GeoJsonDataSource

They have been integrated to data prop. Now data prop accepts URL string, Cesium.Resouce, and data object.

onMount, onUpdate and onUnmount prop

onMount, onUpdate and onUnmount prop have been deprecated as they violate React's custom. Use ref prop instead.


const Component = () => (
onMount={viewer => {
// some code


class Component extends React.PureComponent {
ref = React.createRef();

componentDidMount() {
if (ref.current) {
const viewer = ref.current.cesiumElement;
// some code

render() {
return (
<Viewer ref={this.ref} />