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Get Cesium context with your component

useCesium hooks is available with Resium:

import { useCesium } from "resium";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
const { viewer } = useCesium();
return <p>Cesium Viewer object is{viewer ? "" : " not"} provided here.</p>;

export default ExampleComponent;

In TypeScript:

import { Viewer } from "cesium";
import { useCesium } from "resium";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
const { viewer } = useCesium();
return <p>Cesium Viewer object is{viewer ? "" : " not"} provided here.</p>;

export default ExampleComponent;

Structure of the context is here.

Define a new Cesium component

createCesiumComponent function is available in Resium. For details refer to source codes of components in src directory.